If you’re a Webnovel author and want to delete your account, here’s how:

  1. Log in to your account and click on the “delete my account” link at the top of the page.
  2. Enter your name and password in the “delete account information” fields and click on the “delete my account” button.
  3. Your Webnovel account will be deleted and all of your data will be lost.

To delete your account, you can go to “Settings” and then click on “Delete Account.” You will need to enter your password to confirm the deletion.

You can change your email on Webnovel by following these steps:1) Log into your account.2) Click on “Settings” in the top right corner of the screen.3) Scroll down and click “Change Email.”4) Enter your new email and click “Save Changes.

You can request a deleted account by clicking on the “request account deletion” link in your account settings. You will then need to verify your identity with a phone number and provide a reason for deleting your account.

To delete a book from a web novel, just click on the three dots next to the title of the book. Then click on “remove this book from my library.

The Webnovel website does not have a delete chapter button, but you can contact their customer service to request that the chapter be removed.

Webnovel is a site where you can read novels for free. The site does not have ads and the content is moderated. Webnovel has a lot of well-known novels, which makes it a popular website.

If you’re not a paying customer, you can’t.In order to delete your account, you’ll need to contact customer service and ask them to delete it for you.

You can delete a web novel from your library by following these steps:1) Log in to the website.2) Click on the My Library tab.3) Click on the book you want to delete.4) Click the Delete button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

To delete a chapter in a web novel, you will need to find the chapter on the website and click the ‘Delete Chapter’ button.

Yes, many web novel accounts are free. The only thing you have to do is create an account and then you can read any of the novels that are offered.