Instagram is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can be hard to know if you’re following the right people. Here’s how to find out:

  1. Open Instagram and click on your profile picture in the top left corner.
  2. Under “Following,” click on “Following from accounts.” This will show you all of the accounts that are following you back.
  3. If you want to follow more people, click on the “Following from accounts” button again and this time select “People I follow.” This will show you all of the people who are following you, but not necessarily who you’re following back.
  4. To follow someone, simply click on their name and then hit “Follow.” ..

Yes, you can.You can find out when you followed someone on Instagram by going to their profile and clicking the “Followers” tab.

Yes, someone can tell if you have unrequested them on Instagram. When you unrequest someone on the app, they are notified that they have been uninvited from following your account.If you want to make sure someone doesn’t know you have unrequested them on Instagram, you should do it from your profile settings. You can also disable notifications for their account or unfollow them from your home feed.

It’s not that big of a deal. You’ll just have to unfollow them if you don’t want to see their posts in your feed.

You can see who your girlfriend has been following on Instagram by going to her profile and scrolling down to the list of people she follows.

If you want to see someone’s recently followed, you can go to their profile and click on the “following” tab.

If someone declines your follow request, it means that they don’t want you to see their posts. It doesn’t mean anything else.

It’s possible that someone followed you because they were interested in your account and then unfollowed you for a variety of reasons. For example, it could be that they were getting too many notifications from Instagram or that they just got bored with your content.

If someone requests to follow you on Instagram, it means they want to see your posts and content. They may also have a similar interest in what you post.

It’s not weird to follow someone you just met on Instagram, but it may be weird if the person is following you back. It may also be weird if they don’t have a lot of followers or posts.

Some people may be following you to see what you’re up to. If you think this is the case, try to change your routine and see if they follow.If someone is following you, it can be a sign that they are trying to intimidate or threaten you. This could be due to a personal vendetta, or it could also be related to your work.If you feel like someone is following you, don’t confront them.