If you’re like most people, you probably use Google Sheets to keep track of your work and manage your finances. But what if you want to search through all the sheets in your spreadsheet? That’s easy! Just type “sheets” into the Google Sheets search bar and hit enter. You’ll get a list of all the sheets in your spreadsheet, organized by date.

Need to search inside multiple sheets of a Google Sheets spreadsheet at once? We’ll show you how using either “Find and Replace” or a Google Drive search tip.

Use “Find and Replace” to Search within Google Sheets

A quick way to search inside all sheets of a Google Sheets spreadsheet at once is to use the “Find and Replace” function. With this, you can search for a keyword in the current sheet, in a specific sheet, or all sheets of your spreadsheet.

To do so, open your favorite browser and visit the Google Sheets site.

Next, open the spreadsheet that you’d like to search within. In the menu bar, click “Edit,” and then select “Find and Replace.” Alternatively, press Ctrl+h on Windows or Command+Shift+h on Mac.

In the “Find and Replace” window that opens, click the “Find” box at the top and type your search query. Next, click the “Search” drop-down menu and select “All sheets” to search in all sheets. Then, click “Find” at the bottom to start the search.

If Google Sheets finds a match in a sheet, it will open that sheet and highlight the field that includes your query.

If it can’t find your searched words in your sheets, it will display an error message.

When you’re done, click “Done” in the “Find and Replace” window to close it.

Use Google Drive to Search within Google Sheets

Google saves all your Sheets spreadsheets in Google Drive, which means that you can use Drive’s search feature to search inside your spreadsheets. The only issue with this method is that it won’t show exactly which sheet matches your search query, only the entire spreadsheet itself.

To get started, load the Google Drive site in a browser. On the main Google Drive page, click the “Search in Drive” box at the top. Type your search query, press Space, and then type this and hit Enter:

Google Drive will look for your typed query in your Google Sheets spreadsheets.

On the search results screen, it will list the spreadsheets that match your search. Double-click any spreadsheet here to open it in the Sheets editor.

And that’s how you search in all sheets without opening each one in Google Sheets. Very handy!

RELATED: The Beginner’s Guide to Google Sheets