If you’re like most people, the first Android app you ever installed was probably Facebook. But there’s a good chance that the app you installed wasn’t the most popular or well-known one out there. That’s because Android has a huge app store with more than 2,000,000 apps available. So if you’re looking for an app to install, it can be hard to know where to start. Here are five tips for finding the first Android app you ever installed:

  1. Use Google Play Store: The Google Play Store is by far the largest and most popular Android app store. It has more than 2,000,000 apps available and is always updated with the latest and greatest apps. So if you’re looking for an app to install, it’s a good place to start.
  2. Use search engines: Another way to find an app is to use search engines like Google or Bing. Just type in the name of the app you’re looking for and see what comes up. If there are any reviews or ratings for the app, that will help you make a decision about whether or not to download it.
  3. Check out user reviews: Another way to find out about an app is to read user reviews before downloading it. User reviews can give you a good idea of how well an app works and whether or not it’s worth downloading.
  4. Check out ratings: Finally, another way to find out about an app is by checking its ratings on different rating websites like App Store or Google Play Store Ratings . This will give you a good idea of how popular the app is and whether or not it’s worth downloading based on that popularity alone ..

Android has been around since 2008. You may not have been using it that long, but you’ve probably installed a decent number of apps in your time. Ever wonder which was the first? We’ll show you where to look.

All the apps and games you’ve installed from the Play Store are tied to your Google account. Unless you manually remove it from your account, it will be there. That means we can look all the way back to the first apps you installed.

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To get started, open the Play Store on your Android phone or tablet and tap your profile icon in the search bar.

Select “Manage Apps & Device” from the menu.

Switch over to the “Manage” tab and select “Not Installed” from the drop-down menu on the left.

Now select the sorting button and choose “Recently Added.”

The list of apps will now be sorted in chronological order from when they were installed. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list to see the first app you installed.

That’s all there is to it! This list may not be 100% accurate since it’s only apps not installed on your device, but it will still give you a good look back at some of the early Android apps you installed. You’ll probably find a lot of apps that no longer work on modern Android devices today.